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Photo:  Mary Beth Rondeau

About Magic Lake


The Pender Islands' "neighbourhood," had its notorious beginnings in the 1960's, when "Gulf Island Estates" planned a high-density vacation home development on the west shore of North Pender Island.  Eventually, about 600 acres of mostly half-acre properties spread out along the waterfront and into the forested hillsides beyond.


The subdivision, the largest in Canada at the time, helped inspire creation of the Islands Trust regulatory agency whose mission was to promote more responsible and sustainable development in the Gulf Islands.


Taking its name from the first lake/reservoir to be created, Magic Lake Estates, usually shortened to "Magic Lake" boasts many amenities that make it a desirable place to live. 


There are two oceanfront parks at Thieves Bay and Shingle Bay, several ocean access points, and two lakes.  Magic Lake is open to the public for swimming and rowing, whereas Buck Lake is the main public water supply and is off limits to all except those who reside along its shores. 


The world-class Golf Island disc golf park is located in the midst of the subdivision, off Galleon Way.  Several trails lead to the disc park and connect to Prior Centennial Campground.


A myriad of short hiking trails traverse the Magic Lake area, creating convenient shortcuts and pleasant walks for local residents.


The south trailhead to the Roe Lake portion of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve begins from the northwest edge of Magic Lake at the end of Galleon Way.


Best of all, much of the shoreline of the Magic Lake area is frequented by pods of orcas during the summer months.

MLPOS Membership Application Form


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  • Print form

  • Fill out the form

  • Email to

  • Drop in the MLPOS folder at Dockside Realty (Driftwood),
    - or - mail to: P.O Box 65, Pender Island, BC V0N 2M0

For membership information E-mail
​Constitution and Bylaws.

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Magic Lake Property Owners' Society

Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society (MLPOS) was established in the mid 1970s to manage several properties and be a voice for residents of Magic Lake on North Pender Island, British Columbia.


MLPOS owns and manages Thieves Bay Marina and Privateers Park where pickle ball and tennis courts are provided as well as a playground. 


MLPOS also is an advocacy association for the many residents of Magic Lake.  For example, we communicate with local governments (Capital Regional District and Islands Trust) regarding water service, waste disposal and land use issues.


MLPOS is a registered society in BC.


If you move to Magic Lake, membership in the association is encouraged.  The annual membership fee is $20 plus $1 GST. The benefits include the ability to acquire a slip at the marina, preferred tennis court rates and a voice through the association on matters affecting local residents. 


The Directors of the Magic Lake Property Owners Society meet on the second Monday of the month at 4pm.  These meetings are held in the lounge at the Community Hall, unless otherwise specified. An Annual General Meeting is held typically on the third Saturday of October.  At the AGM, the budget for the upcoming year is approved, new projects are approved, a status report is provided on the various facilities (marina, tennis courts and park,) and advocacy work, and elections for Board members are held.  All meetings are open to MLPOS members.  


MLPOS is always happy to have new Board members, so consider volunteering for a Board position. 

2024/25 Board of Directors/Officers
  • Bob Coulson - President

  • Roy Moore - Vice President

  • Jean Deschenes - Treasurer

  • Fiona Poole - Secretary

  • Mike Wiley - Director of Recreation

  • David Reed - Director At Large

  • Wally Foster - Marina General Manager

  • Art Curtis - Marina Operations Manager

  • Ian Syme - Marina Maintenance Manager

  • Dave Harrison - Marina Projects Manager

  • Doug Bolton - Special Projects Director

  • Joanna Rogers - MLPOS Office Manager

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