MLPOS Directors Meeting. Feb 8 2021.
Attendees: Jeremy Harwood President and Chair
Bob Coulson Vice President
Lori Davenport Secretary
Jean Deschenes Treasurer
Robb Zuk Marina Operations Manager
Art Curtis Marina Projects Manager
Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis
Dave Reed Member-at-Large
Joanna Rogers Office Manager and Meeting Host
Absent: Wally Foster Marina General Manager
Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager
Discussion Action
1. Called to order at
2. Approval of Agenda Approved Motioned by Bob
Seconded by Mike
3. Approval of previous
Approved Motioned by Jeremy
Seconded by Jean
4. Delegation No Delegates
5. Treasurer’s Report  Jean presented the attached report for
 Revenue, expenses on track
 Increase in casual moorage
Motioned by Bob
Seconded by Mike
6. Marina Report  There is only one boat that requires
cleaning and a notice will be sent directly
to the owner. There is no need to send
out Boat Cleaning notice to all boat
7. Recreation/Tennis
Pickle ball
 Weather dependent to complete lines on
court will be April or May.
 Fairly quiet, mostly regulars
MLPOS Directors’ meeting minutes
8. Director-at-Large Water & Sewer
 3 km of new pipe to be installed
 Construction to start in April
9. Local Governance Bob Coulson will represent MLPOS and
investigate the process outlined by the Local
Government Restructure Planning & Process.
Motioned by Rob
Seconded by Jeremy
10. New Business Playground and Shelters
 Expand existing playground on Privateers
Road and add 2 shelters
 Applying for Co-op Community Spaces
Grant, submission deadline is March 1
 Budget $150,000
 Waiting for quote and design plans from
Green Roots Playground Inc.
 Jean to provide quote for material and
supervised install for 2 shelters
11. Other Island Trust
 MLPOS encourages our members to
voice their concerns to Trustees about
proposed Land Use Bylaw changes.
 Dave to invite our Trustee(s) to attend
next Directors’ meeting to provide
accurate information about proposed
bylaw changes, advise where to access
the information and how to submit
comments to Trustees.
12. Adjourn Adjourned at 5:20 pm
Next Meeting: March 8, 2021 @4:00 pm
Location: Legion Hall or Zoom