MLPOS Directors' Meeting June 12, 2023
HELD ON MONDAY,June 12, 2023, 4pm
Thieves Bay Park
Bob Coulson President
Jeremy Harwood Vice-President
Jean Deschenes Treasurer
Mary Beth Rondeau Secretary
Wally Foster Marina General Manager
Dave Harrison Marina Projects Manager
Art Curtis Marina Operations Manager
Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager
Dave Reed Director-At-Large
Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis
Joanna Rogers Office Manager
ATTENDEES:There was 1 member attending.
The President called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm.
Motion: That the agenda be approved.
Moved: Jeremy Harwood
Seconded: Jean Deschenes CARRIED
Motion: That the Minutes of the May 8, 2023 Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Meetingbe approved.
Moved:Ian Syme
Seconded:Dave Reed CARRIED
Rob Fenton, as Alternate CRD Director, gave a briefing on opportunities for housing for Pender and in the Southern Gulf Islands Electoral Area (SGI EA).
5.1. Playground/Recreational Update
5.1.1. Given the limits of getting a volunteer group to install one gazebo at the playground area, the Treasurer will get an estimate to have a contractor to install.
Motion:That MLPOS supports obtaining an estimate to install one gazebo at the playground area.
Moved:Bob Coulson
Seconded:MB Rondeau CARRIED
5.2 Privateers Speed Signage
5.2.1. There was no new information.
5.3. Governance Update
5.3.1. A copy of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the “Community Issues Assessment” was received from CRD. The contract with the consultant is being finalized and should be going ahead on schedule later this summer.
5.4 World Orca Days July 14th Event
5.4.1. This small, 3 hour event on the breakwater is pretty much organized. Access to A-dock should be restricted for public access.
5.5 Defibrillators
5.5.1. These have now been installed. Information sessions for use will be set up with the various user groups.
The Treasurer’s report, budget comparison and balance sheet were received, and are attached.
Motion: That the Treasurers Report be approved.
Moved: Wally Foster
Seconded: Mike Wiley CARRIED
7.1 Marina General Manager
7.1.1. The moorage is nearly up to full.
7.2 Recreation/Tennis/Pickleball Report
7.2.1. The work party was canceled due to rain and will be rescheduled. Part of the maintenance work has been completed.
7.2.2. There are old tennis nets available for free. This could be put into the Pender Post.
7.3 Director-at-Large
7.3.1. No new information to report.
Motion: That the Directors’ Reports be approved.
Moved: Mike
Seconded: Wally CARRIED
8.1.1. An email was received from George Leroux of PIPRC asking for cooperation with the proposed dock for Magic Lake. This was generally supported once all the zoning has been approved in several months.
8.1.2. An email was received from CRD Director Brent re Shaw/Rogers fibre optic to come to Pender via Panda Bay.
8.1.3. An email from Niall Parker from Moving Around Pender (MAP) encouraging all to take part in the Island Coastal Inter-Community Transportation Study, fill out the survey and the virtual session June 27th 1pm.
9.1. American Bullfrog
9.1.1. Information from the Pender Conservancy suggested they will get back on any actions needed on this.
9.2. Composting Facility
9.2.1. A discussion has been taking place with CRD Director Paul Brent for a composting facility for Pender Island to reduce open burning and greenhouse gases. This concept was generally supported.
MOTION: That MLPOS supports the CRD investigating a green yard waste composting facility for Pender Island.
Moved: Jeremy Harwood
Seconded: Art Curtis CARRIED
9.3. 2023 SGI Wildfire Resiliency Plan and $500 Rebate
9.3.1. This is a good Plan specifically for the SGI by the CRD. There is a $500 rebate available for FireSmart-ing. Pender Fire Hall contact is Todd Bulled (confirmed after meeting).
10.1 North Pender LTC/Land Use Bylaw Project/Park Rezoning
10.1.1. Privateers Park rezoning is proceeding.
10.1.2. Saturday June 24 Special Meeting for the community to talk about issues for the island such as water, forests and housing.
10.2 Housing for workforce/affordability in Magic Lake Estates (MLE)
The capacity of the MLE sewer and water was confirmed at CRD meeting (after the MLPOS meeting). Water and sewer facilities are designed to service a single living structure on the existing occupied and unoccupied Magic Lake lots. Additional capacity could be obtained for sewer at a substantial cost (not in the CRD budget) and there is no reasonable way to increase water treatment capacity.
Monday July 10, 2023 at 4pm at Thieves Bay Park (weather permitting) or at the Community Hall lounge.
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