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MLPOS Directors' Meeting April 10, 2023.



HELD ON MONDAY,April 10, 2023, 4pm

Community Hall Lounge


Bob Coulson President

Jean Deschenes Treasurer

Mary Beth Rondeau Secretary

Wally Foster Marina General Manager

Dave Harrison Marina Projects Manager

Art Curtis Marina Operations Manager

Dave Reed Director-At-Large

Mike Wiley Recreation/Tennis

Joanna Rogers Office Manager


Jeremy Harwood Vice-President

Ian Syme Marina Maintenance Manager

ATTENDEES:There were 6 members attending.


Chair Bob Coulson called the meeting to order at 4:01 pm.


Motion: That the agenda be approved.

Moved: Wally Foster

Seconded: Mike Wiley CARRIED


Motion: That the Minutes of the March 13, 2023 Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Meetingbe approved.

Moved:Art Curtis

Seconded:Wally Foster CARRIED

  1. DELEGATION There were no delegations.


5.1. Playground/Recreational Update

EMAIL MOTION: That Ryzuk Geotechnical be hired for tennis/playground park drainage assessment, and that the following estimate and costs be approved:

-Project: Drainage assessment

-Services: Site attendance and providing associated recommendations

-Estimate: $1,500 to $2,000 plus tax

-Disbursements: Cost plus 10%

-Mileage: .55 cents per km

Moved: Jean Deschenes

Seconded: MB Rondeau

In Favour: Wally Foster, Bob Coulson, Dave Reed, Art Curtis, Mike Wiley, Ian Syme, MB Rondeau, Jean Deschenes CARRIED

  • 5.1.1. For the drainage issues in the area west of the courts, the geotechnical engineer attended the site and the report will be out in a few weeks. This report will be passed to the contractors to get prices to fill the area.

5.2 Magic Lake Governance Update

  • 5.2.1. A meeting with CRD has tentatively been set up. An update will be provided at the next MLPOS meeting on May 8, 2023.

5.3 Defibrillators

  • 5.3.1. The two Defibrillators with cases have now been received and will be installed at tennis courts and marina.

  • 5.3.2. There was no grant available for these.

  • 5.3.3. It was suggested a training course be provided to tennis and marina user groups.

5.4 Privateers Speed Signage (report by community member)

  • 5.4.1. The camera test to monitor vehicle speeds is finished. We are awaiting the results of the data analysis and next steps.

5.5 Connected Coast/Shaw Fibreoptic Project on Pender Island

  • 5.5.1. Next steps are follow up conversations with Strathcona Regional District and the Shaw/Rogers representative.

5.6 North Pender Land Use Bylaw Project

  • 5.6.1. The August 2022 MLPOS response to the draft bylaw was amended.

Motion: That the MLPOS August 22, 2022 response to the Bylaw Project be amended to add:

The proposed restrictions limiting storage shipping containers are opposed.

And that:

That Mary Beth Rondeau be the lead MLPOS contact for the Bylaw Project.

Moved:Bob Coulson

Seconded:Wally Foster CARRIED

Note: The proposed change to allow livestock has been removed from the draft bylaw.

For reference, at the August 2022 MLPOS Board meeting, it was resolved:

  • There is no need for a limit on square footage of residential buildings as this limitation is already addressed under current bylaw(s)

  • An important reason for undertaking the rezoning of Magic Lake was to provide more flexible criteria and process in approving secondary suites in residential and/or accessory buildings.

  • This is not the case and, therefore, the MLPOS does not see the need to proceed with Bylaw 224 until it addresses this issue.

  • There are very few waterfront lots in Magic Lake where docks are practical that don’t already have them. Those properties in that situation should not be treated any differently than their neighbours. Therefore we feel that, in RR1, there should be no limit on docks and stairwells.

  • There should be no restrictions specifically on yacht clubs and marinas for Pender Island organizations.

  • Livestock, as defined in Bylaw 224, are not desired in Magic Lake and references need to be removed. This objection does not include chickens.

  • Home Business Guidelines are confusing and, possibly, too restrictive.

  • Home Industries, particularly those grandfathered in, need to be included in the specific zone they exist in, not in the General Guidelines.


The verbal Treasurer’s report was received.

Motion: That the Treasurers Report be approved.

Moved: Mike Wiley

Seconded: MB Rondeau CARRIED


7.1 Marina General Manager

  • 7.1.1. The ownership of the boat launch is to be established i.e. CRD or MLPOS.

  • 7.1.2. Materials report estimates $5-6,000 (with volunteer labour) for the repair and upgrade.

  • 7.1.3. Signage will be provided: “use at your own risk”.

7.2 Recreation / Tennis Report

  • 7.2.1. Court equipment upgrades being sourced and ordered.

  • 7.2.2. Parking lot may need an additional sign.

7.3 Director-at-Large

  • There were no specific items to report.

Motion: That the Directors’ Reports be approved.

Moved: Art Curtis

Seconded: MB Rondeau CARRIED


  • An email was received asking about speed signs.


9.1 Request from Buck Lake Property Owners Assn to approach ICBC requesting lowering of speed limits.

  • 9.1.1. There was discussion on this request to reduce speed limits to 30km throughout Magic Lake Estates.

  • 9.1.2. Further subscribing of input will be undertaken.

9.2 Rooftop Sprinklers

  • A kit for rooftop sprinklers in case of wildfire is available for a reasonable price if others are interested.

9.3 Managing the Storage of Canoes and Non-Motorized Boats at the north end of Magic Lake.

  • There have been concerns expressed with the management of these boats. An email will be sent to PIPRS.


Monday May 8, 2023 at 4pm at the Community Hall Lounge/Cafe.

  1. ADJOURNMENT5:20pm


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