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MLPOS Meeting Minutes - February 15, 2016

MINUTES OF THE MAGIC LAKE PROPERTY OWNERS` SOCIETY DIRECTORS MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2016 AT 3:00 PM AT PENDER ISLAND SCHOOL 5714 CANAL ROAD, PENDER ISLAND, BC PRESENT: Jim McCrum Vice-President Wally Foster General Manager – Marina Dave Reed Member-at-Large (arrived at 3:35 pm) Kathy Gilbert Secretary Jeremy Harwood Marina Maintenance Manager Mike Wiley Director of Recreation / Tennis Glenn Henderson Marina Projects Manager (arrived at 3:15 pm) REGRETS: Peter Morton President Peter Testemale Marina Operations Manager Jean Deschenes Treasurer Joanna Rogers Office Manager GUESTS: Dave Howe, Capital Regional District (CRD) Area Director for the Southern Gulf Islands Joe Gill, Alex Wilson, Magic Lake Water and Sewer Committee (MLWSC) 1. CALL TO ORDER A/Chair McCrum called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Mike Wiley Seconded by Wally Foster That the agenda be approved. CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved by Jeremy Harwood 1 Seconded by Wally Foster That the Minutes of the January 11 2016 Magic Lake Property Owners’ Society Directors Meeting be approved. CARRIED 4. DELEGATION The discussion was introduced by Wally Foster, who asked how MLPOS, the CRD and the MLWSC could be more effective, particularly in dealing with the present need to upgrade the Chart Drive septic system failure and other needed upgrades to the Magic Lake sewer system. Discussion points with the Board and delegation included: · That the Chart Drive sewage system failure upgrade should not be costing as much as it is · That Area Director Howe has approached a few local contractors who may be interested in partnering with a larger off-Island contractor to remediate the Chart Drive septic field for a lesser amount of money than had originally been proposed · That Ted Robbins, a senior staff member at the CRD has been invited to Pender Island to have a view of the Chart Drive and other sewage disposal issues at Magic Lake · That an off-Island tour had been conducted recently to look at alternative sewage disposal and water management systems · That the CRD and MLWSC are divided on the best approach to move forward on the sewage disposal approach generally for Magic Lake – conventional methods vs newer technology · That there is an alternative approval voting process underway as prescribed under the Local Government Act, which would see failure of a revised borrowing initiative if 10% of eligible voters object to a new budget for upgrading the Chart Drive sewage disposal system · That Area Director Dave Howe is Chair of the CRD Finance Committee, Vice-Chair of the CRD and sits on the Municipal Financial Authority, so has good access to both decision-making and borrowing on behalf of his constituents · That a Planner has been assigned to Area Director Howe to assist with issues and advocate, on behalf of the SGIs to the CRD Board · That the MLWSC would like to have more control over local spending and recommendations to the CRD Board on water and sewer issues · That Area Director Howe expects that progress will be made on the overall sewage disposal issue in Magic Lake shortly. It was noted that some improvements have been made to the existing Chart Drive and area sewage disposal system, such as the amount of water getting into the system has been reduced. 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES None. 6. TREASURER`S REPORT As Jean Deschenes was not present, this item was laid over until the March 14, 2016 meeting. 7. REPORTS a. Marina A Marina Managers’ meeting was to follow show shortly after the MLPOS Board meeting. b. Recreation / Tennis Mike Wiley advised that there was nothing new to report. c. Director-at-Large Dave Reed reported that the owners of the Timbers Resort had applied for rezoning. However, as a result of concerns expressed by nearby residents, the North Pender Island Trust turned down the rezoning application. Dave further advised that the North Pender Island Trust Committee has dissolved the local Waste Management Committee. MLPOS was also advised that there are no water reduction programs in place from the CRD at this time. 8. CORRESPONDENCE None. 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Survey re MLPOS members’ opinion on short term vacation rentals (STVRs) and report on Feb 6 2016 meeting hosted by Islands Trust re STVRs Dave Reed, through Joanna Rogers, sent out a survey to MLPOS members for whom MLPOS had email addresses, regarding their opinion on STVRs. 99 people out of 245 surveyed responded. It was noted that this was an exceptional response rate; the norm being about 10%. Results were about 33% in favour of STVRs, about 33% opposed and about 33% in the middle. Results have been sent to the Islands Trust. Dave will ask Joanna to send out the survey results to the Islands Trust on behalf of MLPOS. Included in the next mail-out to MLPOS members, Joanna will be asked to ask for email addresses for members who have an email address or who wish to be contacted by email. b. Contractors for tennis court grounds maintenance and future of Mouat Park, including insurance requirements A/Chair McCrum reported on a discussion held between him and the tennis count maintenance contractor, Doug Bates, who advised that he was unwilling to pay for the cost of contractors’ liability insurance for the 2016 season. After discussion at the Board meeting, it was agreed that all contractors must have insurance and that MLPOS will pay for that insurance upon receipt of an invoice from the various contractors that MLPOS uses. Kathy Gilbert advised that she had had a conversation with Michael Symonds, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission, who advised that all of their contractors have insurance. The future of Mouat Park was laid over until the March 14 2016 meeting. c. Discussion re time / day for MLPOS meeting The consensus was to move the meeting time to the second Monday of the month at 1:30 pm. However, subsequently to the Feb 15 Board meeting it was determined that the meeting room at the school is not available at that time. Joanna has been asked to investigate alternatives, as MLPOS may not have the room available at all starting in the 2016 school year as there are so many new children at the school and the room is needed for classroom space. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Glenn Henderson That the February 15 2016 Magic Lake Property Owners` Society Directors Meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm. Next meeting March 14 2016 3:00 pm Pender Island School

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